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          When purchasing certain items such as firearms online, we are required by federal law to ship them to a licensed federal firearms dealer. The dealer will handle the transfer of these items to you. Learn more about this process here.

          Shooters World Auto Pistol Powder 8lb

          This propellant is a bulk form of Lovex D036 reloading propellant. It is comparable in burn rate to ACCURATE No 5. For loaders interested in attaining standard or +P velocities in 9mm Luger an optimized propellant for the .357 SIG as well as correct energy levels for cycling submachine guns with subsonic loads this propellant is a goodchoice for evaluation. It will also perform well with .380 Auto .44 SPL heavy-bullet .40 S&W and some light-to moderate bullet .357 Magnum loads. This propellant is a good alternative to OBP® 248. If the loader finds inefficiency with this propellant due to its slow burn rate Shooters World offers additional faster speeds in the D036 family that could also meet the needs of ballistic performance.A spherical propellant it meters through charge plates consistently and will work with a high-speed loader with very good flow. It does contain a level of flash suppressant.

          As with any propellant and load combination a minor change to any of the components of the test load CAN result in significant shift in ballistic performance. This shift can cause unintended high pressures and result in injury or death. Therefore Shooters World LLC nor the manufacturer of this propellant take no responsibility for the intentional or unintentional misuse of this product. The charge weights and results noted within are not recommended either as a starting nor completed load. They are shown merely as an indication of potential performance in one test load shot by CIP standards


          2 in stock

          SKU CSSI|ZKD036038 Category

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          Shipping Notice:

          When purchasing certain items such as firearms online, we are required by federal law to ship them to a licensed federal firearms dealer. The dealer will handle the transfer of these items to you. Learn more about this process here.

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